Lawn Care and Landscaping Tips
Mowing is something that can add a great deal of curb appeal to our home or business. Our lawns mean a lot more to us than we may think sometimes and we don't realize it until we come home, have company over or customers visiting out establishments. Having the proper information can help us achieve a well groomed lawn that gives us that sense of pride in our property. The look of it, the smell of fresh cut grass, edges nicely trimmed all come into play. In order to have a great mowed lawn there is more than just pushing a mower along or a riding one. You have to make sure you're cutting it at the proper height, changing your directions every time you mow as well as making sure your blades are properly sharpened. You never want to scalp your lawn which means cutting it too low. A scalped lawn is vulnerable to being infested by weeds as well as different diseases but when mowed well you'll reap the benefits of having healthy, strong grass a great soil. Timing plays a big factor too for example with rain or you just water. You never want to mow your lawn when there is wet grass. It can clump and clog your mower and also clump and fall over which can cause an uneven cut. There are a lot of useful tips to consider when mowing a lawn and the best practices will reap a great reward. Having a great lawn also brings out any other additions done to your property by landscaping.
Weeding and Fertilizing
No one wants to have any type of weeds growing in their lawn. It takes away from the appeal of it and can do a lot of damage to your lawn overall. Weed control is a very important factor as well as keeping your yard nice a fertilized. This goes hand in hand with having a nicely mowed lawn. When fertilizing a lawn, the best practice is to apply fertilizer after the lawn has been mowed. This is to make sure it has a few days to absorb the fertilizer. Ideally you would like to wait until late summer, fall or early spring to fertilize the lawn. These are the best recommended times to apply fertilizer. Mow the lawn and leave a small bit of grass clippings on the lawn. After fertilizing your lawn it's best to stay off for atleast 24-72 hours to ensure the fertilizer is well soaked through to ensure safety for both children and animals
Landscaping goes a long way with lawn care. Along side a nicely mowed lawn as well as having it free from weeds and well fertilized, adding additional landscaping adds so much value. There can be small projects from adding little retaining walls and flowers to bigger ones including fountains and bigger rock work. The smaller projects can be done DIY with some time and resources. Adding your little touches here and there with a nice pop of color. Adding some pavers for a walkway to your flower garden with some mulch around it. The bigger projects can be a little more intensive and if you have the tools and resources you can get it done but sometimes you may need to hire out the work. Your project could involve some excavating to make room for a fountain and work like that you'll like to make sure you have the knowledge, information or proper professionals to make sure it is done correctly. With landscaping you want to make sure your soil is nice and healthy to ensure well fed flower and bushes. Mulch helps to save money as it'll help retain water to help reduce having to water as often. Simplicity goes a long way and well as variety and balance. It all goes hand in hand to ensure proper flow through your landscaping.
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